Thursday, January 5, 2012

Introduction / Spontaneous Analysis

I have never been one to write on my own free will. It's not that I'm bad at it, it's just because I've felt that it was or never would become important to me. Blogging has always interested me though, and after watching my friend Makyla blog about all the thoughts that run through her brilliant mind, I have decided to start doing it myself. I am not here to attempt to impress people, or persuade you, or to make someone happy. I'm just putting my thoughts and expressions out for myself and for others to read.

If no one reads this, that is fine. But since you are reading this, made apparent by the fact that you're on my blog, I'd just like to say one thing to you: thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my rambling, lonely thoughts as I sit in my dorm, 3:03 in the morning lit by only the light of my computer screen. This very situation happens every night. My roommates go off to bed far earlier than I usually do, probably considering that my classes start around 12:30 pm, and theirs are at 8:30. This scene get repetitive. All three of us converse periodically as we each sit at our desks near the end of the night as we continue to do our separate things. I personally end up doing procrastinated homework that I had "forgot" was supposed to be done that day. After that, around midnight, I am browsing the web, hopping from Facebook over to youtube, from youtube onto my email, randomly shuffling my iTunes library, usually listening to Lady GaGa or lately the Legend of Zelda soundtrack. When I look around my room, I usually see my roommates either doing the exact same thing as me, aside one is on Pandora and the other on Starcraft, but the internet sucks up the night... in fact, every night for all three of us. Is it odd that the internet is relatively a new invention, yet the whole world seems as though they could never survive without it, now knowing its capabilities: infinite amounts of data, millions of people online, incredible advances in communication, applications, programs, and information galore! The internet is both incredible in greatness and also equally incredible in the copious amounts of damage that could be done with it. Hackers can access other's personal information, money, and business operations, people of all ages can be bullied or harassed online, scams can be made, jobs can be lost and much much more. And who does this all? Well that's the amazing thing. These things can be done behind a computer. Although it's almost always possible to trace the problem to the source, but the fact that this amount of damage that can be made is at the fingertips of every internet user, if given the proper knowledge and resources of course. All I am saying is that the world has become so dependent on this new invention that it's almost ridiculous. Now, I am not going to say that the world would be better of without it, god, I can't imagine. The sad thing is that even though I am plain aware of the bad things that the internet is capable of and the harm it has brought with it, I am in no way to even consider giving it up. The problem, considering that 99% of this country uses the internet and computers in some way or another, is that it is all so vulnerable. When I mean vulnerable, I include: people, information, money, businesses, lives, security, safety, and god knows what else. How could we be willing to risk all of those things for the sake of the internet? Well I have yet to discover the true answer to that question, but as I keep putting things on my Facebook, or Youtubing Jenna Marbles, or writing these blogs, I will keep it in mind, and I hope that maybe you would too.

Anyways, holy crap, I definitely went off on a tangent there. It went from an evening in my dorm room to a shitty analysis on the internet. Well, the time is now currently 3:27 AM, I am tired, and I will not publish this until tomorrow, when I am able to proof-read this with the appropriate amount of hours of sleep.


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